If you need to eliminate debt, a bankruptcy lawyer can help you to do so while preserving some of your assets. There are various assets that are protected under bankruptcy laws, as long as a judge approves your filing. For example, your primary residence can be protected so long as your equity doesn’t exceed the threshold. You may also be entitled to keep your vehicle. In both scenarios, you would be responsible for making the monthly payments if you are allowed to keep the property. In other words you can’t keep an asset and eliminate the debt on it at the same time.
Simultaneously, your 401k and other retirement funds are typically protected assets. Even if your 401k has enough money in it to pay off your credit card debt, you may be able to wipe away the debt while keeping your retirement account intact. This is a huge benefit for people that don’t want filing for bankruptcy to negatively impact their financial future as they age.
In order to make sure that your 401k is protected, you should get legal advice from a bankruptcy lawyer. While in general your retirement funds are safe, every case is different so you will need specific legal advice. One important thing to keep in mind is that the funds need to stay within your account in order to be protected. If you transfer money out of your 401k into your checking account, those funds become fair game because they could be used for daily expenses. It is extremely important to keep this in mind and leave the funds alone before, during, and after your bankruptcy filing.
The same holds true for any property that you purchased using your retirement funds. If, for example, you withdrew retirement funds to purchase a second home, it would be up for grabs as the funds used to purchase it would not be protected. If you are even considering filing for bankruptcy, do not touch your retirement funds.
If you have a different type of retirement account, it may be protected as well as long as it qualifies under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) since the Supreme Court has ruled that funds can't be transferred to pay creditors. IRAs that are non-ERISA accounts are protected under federal law up to $1,245,475. This is a considerable amount of money and makes it easier for people to file bankruptcy that have a significant amount of funds in their retirement accounts.
As a bankruptcy lawyer, we understand how the laws can be complicated and it is our job to help you navigate through them successfully. By understanding the laws and working within them, you can keep many of your assets while eliminating your debt. This can put you on the path for a successful financial future and we will help you to make this happen by providing excellent legal representation. To learn more and to find out if you would qualify for bankruptcy, give us a call.