Working with a Chapter 13 Attorney in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can get a fresh start by creating a way to get out from under your debts.This type of bankruptcy does not wipe out your debts but creates a way for them to be repaid over time. In most cases, only a portion of the total debt is paid, and once the payments have all been received, the remaining debt is discharged or wiped out. This provides a way for creditors to receive some form of payment without you going under from trying to keep up with debt obligations. In essence, it is a compromise.
Most of your debts can be included in a bankruptcy filing. There are, however, a few debts that you cannot include and will have to continue making payments on. These include:
- Home mortgage. If you are planning on remaining in your home, you will need to keep making the loan payments as agreed. If this is difficult to do, ask your lender to consider a loan modification. They may offer you the option of paying a lesser amount for a set period of time before reverting to your original payment. In other cases, you may be able to reduce the interest rate and lower your monthly payment by refinancing.
- Child support. Parents that are obligated to pay child support as part of a court order will need to continue making that payment as agreed. This also applies to alimony. Both a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, will not eliminate these debts. If you need a reduction, you will have to seek one through family court in the state that ordered it initially.
- Student loans. If you have student loans or other government guaranteed debt, you will need to continue making these payments and cannot get rid of them through filing a bankruptcy.
- Taxes. It may go without saying that tax obligations cannot be eliminated through bankruptcy. The IRS, however, may be willing to reduce the amount that you owe directly. There is an application process that you need to go through in order for them to consider this.
While these debts cannot be included in your bankruptcy filing as you work with a Chapter 13 Attorney, they are included in the calculations of what you can afford to pay towards debt on a monthly basis. The way that a Chapter 13 works is you list out your income after paying taxes and all of your monthly expenses. This includes paying for housing, utility bills, cell phones, groceries, gas, insurance, etc. You can also include the payments that you have to make to debts such as child support and student loans. After deducting everything that you have to pay, the amount that is left can be allocated towards debt payments. In this way, while you cannot discharge all of your debts you still get credit for them in determining what you can pay towards your other ones as you work with a Chapter 13 Attorney.
To learn more about the process and how a Chapter 13 bankruptcy works, call and schedule an appointment.